Pathfinder Teen Ministry

We have two programs in the Idaho Conference, the Teen Experience Program (TEP) and the Teen Leadership Training (TLT) Program.  Any Pathfinder 13 and over can participate in the Teen Experience Program.  The Teen Experience Program is where  Teens are encouraged to take part in activities that are 'extreme', such as Rock Climbing, Snow Camping, White Water Rafting etc as well as the Teen Mission Experience.  Throughout  any Teen Experience event, spiritual lessons are drawn  from the activities and surroundings especially on the Sabbath day.  Teen Mission Experience (TME) is for Teens to spend a week working with a local church or entity on community service projects.

The Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program is designed to challenge and empower the teen Pathfinder with new and increased responsibilities, while allowing them the security of doing so in a place they know and love. 
The TLT experience will assist the Pathfinder teen to form adult-Pathfinder relationships as an expression of their developing identity as teenagers. The TLT member must learn how to give of themselves and how to receive from others. They must allow themselves to be known while getting to know others.

Teen Resources:


Teen Leadership Training (TLT)

TLT Training Workshops

Teen Experience

Teen Mission Experience TBD, 2024


Pathfinder Teen Ministry Staff:


Dawn Spotts

Dawn Jarrett