
2025 Mission Matters and Gleaner deadlines

2025 Mission Matters deadlines

2025 Gleaner deadlines

Gleaner Story Specifications

Gleaner Style Guide

Our purpose is to share the good news of what God is doing in our conference, through our triannual newsletter, Mission Matters . . . in Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon. We also help you share what is happening in your local church or school, primarily through the print edition of the Gleaner and through its web version, 

We have added a monthly e-newsletter, Mission Matters . . . in Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon. To subscribe, click here.

This website is another way to share. Here you will find Mission Matters . . . in Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon (the same one that was inserted into the Gleaner) and resources/links to help each church and school communicate their mission to its constituents and communities.

We also have Facebook & Instagram: search for @IdahoAdventist. For Camp Meeting, check out Subscribe to our YouTube channel (primarily for livestreaming): YouTube Idaho Conference Communication

Do you have an idea for a news story for the Gleaner or Mission Matters . . . in Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon and are not sure you can write it? Let us know the facts, provide print quality digital photos with captions, and we can help write the story. Email Eve  for assistance.

Submit a Story for Publication


NAD Branding Guidelines - Church Logo

Mission Matters . . . print newsletters

Sign up for Idaho Conference e-communications, including Mission Matters monthly e-newsletter



Department Staff




Eve Rusk

Director of Communications

208.375.7524, ext 119
