Watch for the 2025 registration information coming soon.
We have made a change in how registration happens: we are using a resource provided by AdventSource. All payments will go to them. Please note that there will be a charge for using a credit or debit card. Also, if you send a check, please follow the instructions on the registration website and note that your registration will not be confirmed until AdventSource receives your check.
2025 Guest Speaker is Nitza Salazar.

Our Vision:
The Women's Ministries team desires to provide for the involvement, nurturing and spiritual growth of all women, single or married, that she may be empowered to reach her full potential to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with love and compassion to the spiritual, physical, mental, social, and emotional needs of her family, friends, and all people in her area of influence, thus declaring the love of God for fallen humanity. Our ultimate goal is to lead souls to Jesus Christ.